
Those who order online do not want to wait a long time. Where is my parcel? Doesn’t this go any faster? And – for the sake of clean conscience – environmentally friendly? Yes, it does.

Where is my parcel? Satellite-based positioning

Those who order a new games console online possibly play computer games on it the next day. Its way to the local dispatch warehouse, however, was much longer, maybe over a month when coming from Asia. Completely satellite-supervised supply chains using “clever” software solutions are more transparent, safe, and significantly optimised.

Getting airborne safely

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As fast and sharp as can be: data transfer via satellite

Fascinating details. High-resolution images! Being right in the middle of things instead of just watching them happen! This causes huge amounts of data. Those who want to be winners in online gaming or watch TV in highest resolution need stable and fast data transmission. The next generation of data transmission comes into play today: Laser. Transmission via satellite.

Galileo: navigation the European way.

The next generation of satellite-based navigation systems will be operational with the European system Galileo. With a precision in the metre range – with additional technology on the ground even in the centimetre range – hitherto impossible applications are rendered possible. For example, the fully automated landing of ships or accident prevention systems for cars. These services of the future are being tested under real conditions in a Galileo test environment named GATE.

Making the postman ring earlier

Almost 40% of freight within the EU is transported at sea by ships. Customs bureaucracy gets ships stuck at the port for days before the cargo can be further transported. With “Space-based AIS for Blue Belt“, ships are tracked by satellite (e.g. with the German AISat-1) to enable customs officers to nod through cargo within Europe much faster in the future.

Optimierte Seefracht

Globale Lieferketten sind komplex. Aus aller Welt kommen Teile zur Endmontage. Das fertige Produkt wiederum wird millionenfach rund um den Globus ausgeliefert. Die längsten Wege legen Rohstoffe und Produkte per Schiff zurück. Der Transport auf hoher See lässt sich noch deutlich optimieren: schneller, sicherer, nachhaltiger. Raumfahrttechnologien helfen dabei.

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